Thursday 28 July 2011

standing still

*sigh* why did no-one warn me how self encompassing, rewarding, gut wrenching and wonderful becoming a mummy can be. My gorgeous daughter is growing so fast and i find myself constantly wracking my brains trying to find a way to be able to spend a day a week with her.

I feel like i have let her and am letting her down. This is not how i wanted it to be, how i imagined it to be. It cuts through me and pierces my heart everytime i leave her in the morning... she now cries when  i leave her at nursery and i feel my shoulders sag and my stomach lurches. It makes no odds that 5 mins later she is 'fine'..

I spend my day staring at her picture, i sprint to the train giddy with excitement at picking up my girlie.

It just wasnt meant to be this way ;-(

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