Thursday 23 June 2011

Another day....

Do you know what im sick of feeling crap and whinging... i really feel fed up by it all Grrr.... i feel like i need to 'pull myself together' but i just cant.... It frustrates me that i cant just snap out of things.

Today im thinking about friends. i have acquired many new ones from having Aine. The local mums, our 'tuesday afternoon club', people on the BE forum who have now become my facebook friends. All our kids were born in March and we have shared the good and bad times together. Some people think its weird baring your soul to a stranger, someone that only exists in a virtual world (until we all meet up soon!) but these ladies have been my lifeline. So many experiences similar to mine, the support they give is remarkable even when dealing with their own issues and problems - surely that is a mark of a true friend?

My OH told his friend yesterday about my PND. I was surprised at his reaction. His wife had it but he made her throw her meds away.... and i have to want to get better! I do know what he's saying... trust me i do want to get better this is not fun!

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